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Through the PBIS framework, McIntire Elementary School has developed a common purpose and approach to discipline, a clear set of expectations and behaviors, procedures for teaching expected behavior, and procedures for encouraging expected behavior while discouraging inappropriate behavior. This link will give you more information about PBIS.


The purpose of McIntire Elementary School's school-wide positive behavior plan is to provide a safe, positive and academically challenging environment, as well as to model and teach clear expectations in order to develop and cultivate self-based strategies that will enable all students the opportunity to rise to their behavioral and academic potential. The commitment and collaboration between student, parents, staff, and community members will instill the values of being responsible, safe, respectful, and academically engaged at McIntire Elementary School.


  1. To increase consistency among staff in managing student behavior.
  2. To reduce disruptive behavior across all school settings
  3. To increase the percentage of attendance in January, February, and March.
  4. To have an average daily attendance of 97% or above.
  5. To identify problem behaviors and lower the number of incidents in those areas.

Tier 2 Supports When schools have a solid foundation of Tier 1 SW-PBS systems, data, and practices for all students, planning may begin for Tier 2 systems, data, and practices. Tier 2 provides targeted small group interventions for up to 15% of students who are at-risk for negative social, emotional, and/or behavioral health outcomes.

The purpose and key features of Tier 2 include the use of data to identify students who are at risk for difficulties. Interventions should prevent the development of problems and also decrease the frequency or intensity of problem behaviors, thereby minimizing their impact. Standardized interventions that support student needs are continuously available, and data is used to monitor progress and make decisions.

Tier 3 Supports Approximately 1-5% of students will continue to experience difficulty after participation in ongoing Tier 1 support and inclusion in a Tier 2 intervention. In many cases these students have school histories of significant academic and behavioral difficulties over an extended period of time. Because their needs may be more intense and chronic, Tier 3 support systems are individualized. Just as with the Tier 2 level, schools must build on the established schoolwide system to accurately identify these students, and data-based decision making is essential.